Third Annual International CCCS Conference 2015
“Identity and Culture”
September 3-5, 2015, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
Deadline for submitting abstracts: March 15, 2015
Deadline for submitting full papers: December 15, 2015
The Centre for Culture and Cultural Studies organizes the 3rd Annual International Conference of the CCCS 2015: “Identity and Culture”.
The concepts of culture and identity have insofar been argued from various perspectives. However, due to our rapidly changing world, these two concepts, in their 21st century-situatedness require new considerations and academic approaches. The two terms, in and of themselves, are rather vast and complex. Namely, they carry across, oftentimes, opposing views and meanings. Along those lines, this conference aims at: 1) unearthing a better framework for the processes of identity-formation, be it individual or collective; 2) evaluating the interactions existing between culture and identity; 3) examining the role culture plays in identity-formation, i.e., its development, integration and assimilation, whilst creating an interdisciplinary form for the presentation of the new advances and research results in the respective fields of Identity and Culture. Particular emphasis will be placed on examining the depth and complexity of said identity processes and domains, when viewed from the perspectives of several different disciplines, theoretical schools and empirical approaches.
We thus welcome research that helps shed light on the role/s played by linguistic, social, psychological, political, artistic, religious and economic factors in the processes of identity-formation, particularly when set against historical contexts. We also welcome papers that engage with the more theoretical aspects of identity-formation as well as papers that focus on case studies or help discern an interpretative evaluation of the cultural products involved in identity-formation.
Indeed, culture acts as the defining marker of individual identity, as it ushers the process of self-formation and identification with Others. Since culture does not always act consciously, sometimes the ways in which it shapes our individual and collective identities remain unseen. However, when reading and examining culture, we begin to identify the aspects that help shape our beliefs and behaviors. Individual characteristics and markers, such as biological sex, age, intellectual stamina, etc., when juxtaposed to cultural and subcultural constructs such as class, education, religion, professional affiliation, etc., help form (produce) our identity. On the other hand, a national identity is of particular value, as it can be evidenced through a steadfast commitment by many to die for their respective nation. The same applies to religious beliefs, so people are ready to sacrifice themselves, even discriminate others due to their religious identities. Europe’s identity (or better: the European identity) rests on one such long-standing debate, which had originated with the EU’s identity-formation. In multi-lingual societies, the safekeeping and safeguarding of the languages belonging to different cultural and ethnic groups is of paramount importance for the safeguarding and safekeeping of their cultural legacy, i.e., their respective identity. Losing a language implies a loss of the culture surrounding that identity. The term identity is oftentimes marked by stereotypes and sadly the exclusion of those whose identity differs from the central one.
No matter the approach, we seem to arrive at the same question: why does identity (identification) matter? Or: what does identity mean (entail)? What is the relationship between culture and identity? How does culture shape identity? Does identity affect culture? What informs individual and collective identities? How do identity-processes function? Is identity biologically determined or is it constructed? Is identity stable, fixed and constant, or can it be only temporarily stabilized? Why do we encounter identities (the plural form) more so than identity (in the singular)? What are the inner and outer factors that shape identity? How do ethnic groups keep their identity unchanged? What is the role of media? In turn, this Conference aims at investigating the interactions present between culture and identity, whilst unearthing the numerous factors that affect the formation of individual and collective identities. Henceforth, the Conference welcomes researchers from various disciplines and conceptualizations of identity and culture.
Possible topics could include, but are not limited to, the following areas:
Culture and collective identity: Static vs. Dynamic identity; Identity and national/ethnic belonging; Identity and nationalism; Identity and social inclusion/exclusion; Identity, xenophobia, genocide; Identity and group violence; Identity and national symbols; laws and regulations; identity and the existence/relevance of communal organizations/clubs/groups; Identity and tradition; Identity and religion; Sources of religious authority; Identity and theology;
Identity and Memory: Narrative identities; Identity and autobiographies; Identity and cultural heritage; Identity and the museum; Identity and archives; Identity and politics of memory; Ethnography and cultural identity; Identity and rituals; Identity and cult;
Identity and globalisation: Identity and migrations; Migrants and flexible identities; Identity and diaspora; Transnational identities; Diaspora and creation of subject; Identity and relationships with the homeland; Identity and cultural assimilation; Identity and cultural hybridization; Identity and multinationalism; Identity and cosmopolitanism, diversity and hybrids; Borders and the negotiation of identities; Challenges and perspective of the return; Narrative of imaginary vs. actual return;
Identity and politics: Political identity and ethnic belonging; Nation branding; Identity and diplomacy; Political/state structures and their effect on identity; Political parties and identity; Political culture and factors on identity formation: remaking and re-inventing identities; Multiculturalism and minority rights; The European identity; Transnational identities;
Identity and knowledge: Educational institutions and creation of identity; Identity and teaching; Education and identity conflicts;
Identity and philosophy: Identity and critical theory; Marxist views of identity; Identity and post-colonial theory; “Ours” and “Theirs”; Prejudices;
Identity and history: Historical background of current problems; Historical methodology and identity debate; History, legitimacy, identity; Identity and historical narrative;
Identity, space, place: Space, place and discursive practices; Identity, cultural and ritual artefacts; Anchored identities; Meaning of geographic spaces in creation of identities; Identity and tourisms; Imagining the nation through the urban-rural distinction; Identity transformations and transformations of the city;
Identity and linguistics: Language as identity formation; Language in multicultural societies; Linguistic imperialism and identity; Linguistic diversity;
Identity and literature: The role of literature in the identity-formation; Narratives and weaving of identities; National images used in literature; The Other in literature; Traditions and cliches;
Identity, art and architecture: Representations and identity-formation in arts: theatre, film, paining; Identity and (ethnic) music; Identity and architecture; Monuments and symbols in identity-formation; Identity and place brending
Identity and media: Identity-formation in societies over-saturated with media; Identity, media, conflict; Identity, media, tolerance; Representations of culture and identity in the media; Identity and new technologies; Identity and virtual reality; Identity and cyber-culture; Identity and the Internet; Institutional and corporate identity; Identity, morals, ethics;
Identity and popular culture: Identity and folk culture; Consumer identity and shopping behavior; Fashion and design in identity-formation; Food, culture and identity; Social media and popular culture; Subcultures and identity; Queer identity and popular culture; Identity and lifestyles;
The 3rd Annual International Conference of CCCS 2015: “Identity and Culture” welcomes the participation of all researchers of culture, literature, history, philosophy, arts, religion, sociology, media, as well as those from the general public interested in the topic. We welcome reports and creative projects that study the questions related to the Conference’s subject matter.
Conference calendar
March 15, 2015: Deadline for submission of abstracts
End of March 2015: Acceptance info
August 15, 2015: Final programme of the Conference
September 3-5, 2015: Conference dates
September 6-8, 2015: Visit to Ohrid (optional post-conference event)
December 15, 2015: Final paper submission deadline
April 1, 2016: Results from the review of submitted papers
Until the end of 2016: Publication of accepted and reviewed papers
Papers proposals
Submissions of abstracts (up to 250 words), short bios (up to 100 words) may be made online, by filling the form (click here for the form)
Also, you can send paper proposals offline. Please, download the form here (MS WORD document), fill it in and send it by e-mail to
The abstracts should not be longer than 250 words (1720 characters).
Panel proposals
We welcome proposals for panel discussions, especially panels organized by internationally recognized experts that aim to gather a group of researchers around one topic or subject. That will achieve interaction between the panelists and the other participants in the conference. The panels are an important segment of the Conference.
Submissions of abstracts (up to 250 words), short bios (up to 100 words) may be made online, by filling the form (click here for the form)
Also, you can send panel proposals offline. Please, download the form here (MS WORD document), fill it in and send it by e-mail to
The abstracts should not be longer than 250 words (1720 characters).
Abstracts can be submitted in English, Russian or Macedonian language, depending on the language of presentation of the paper.
Selection and publishing of papers
The participants shall have 15 minutes to present his/her report. Five minutes Q&A session shall be reserved for every presentation.
The papers have to be original and to not have been published previously or presented at an earlier conference.
The abstracts shall be reviewed by the organization committee of the Conference, in accordance with international standards for scientific publications.
The papers that will receive positive reviews shall be published in the online peer-reviewed journal Investing Culture during 2016.
Selected full text papers with high-impact shall be published in the international peer-reviewed journal Култура/Culture (in both the print and online editions). The paper selection will be carried out during the peer review process as well as at the conference presentation stage. The final decision for paper selection will be made based on peer review reports by the editorial board and conference board jointly.
Participation Fees
Early registration: till May 1st, 2015: €40
Registration: May 2nd – June 15, 2015: €60
Late registration: On‐site registration (or after June 15, 2015): €80
If presentations have multiple authors, participation fee is needed for each author, to cover the cost of materials.
The conference fee include conference materials, use of presentation equipment, refreshments, the welcome party, online Book of Abstracts, the review of the submitted papers and the publication of accepted full text papers
The participants are expected to cover their travel and accommodation costs.
For additional information please contact Dr Mishel Pavlovski or Dr Loreta Georgievska – Jakovleva on email