Tag Archives: MDTB

CCCS Conference 2016 Book of Abstracts

    Giovanni Ercolani, University of Murcia (Spain) The (S)-state of Emergency and the Securitization of Culture: Shaping Conformism, Dehumanizing the “Other”, and Fabricating Cultural-Societal Conflicts Abstract My presentation wants to meditate on the recent use of the term ’emergency’ in the political discourses which have been produced recently in the ‘NATO world’. My perception is that from a ‘state’ …

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Конференция ЦККИ 2016 – информация

Четвертая ежегодная международная конференция ЦККИ 2016 «Передвижения и и конфликты культур: мигранты, диаспора, терроризм, границы (МДТГ)». будет проведена в “Bushi Resort & Spa” (карта гостиницы). Официальное открытие состоится 1 сентября, в 9:00 утра Размещение в гостинице Участники могут забронировать номер со скидкой в гостинице “Bushi Resort & Spa” http://bushiresort.com/ Цены в гостинице со скидкой: Economy номер: одноместный номер: 55 € …

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CCCS’s Fourth International Conference on Migrations, Diaspora, Terorism, Borders Took Place

In September 2016, in Skopje (Macedonia), the Center for Culture and Cultural Studies (CCCS) organized its Fourth International Scientific Conference, titled “Dislocations and Cultural Conflicts: Migrations, Diaspora, Terrorism, Borders (MDTB)”. Macedonia’s capital hosted over 100 researchers from virtually each corner of the world. The large number of participants speaks to the timeliness of this year’s conference topic, namely how it has resonated with researchers at home and abroad. Key note speak was presented by Giovanni Ercolani.

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