
CCCS’s Fourth International Conference on Migrations, Diaspora, Terorism, Borders Took Place

In September 2016, in Skopje (Macedonia), the Center for Culture and Cultural Studies (CCCS) organized its Fourth International Scientific Conference, titled “Dislocations and Cultural Conflicts: Migrations, Diaspora, Terrorism, Borders (MDTB)”. Macedonia’s capital hosted over 100 researchers from virtually each corner of the world. The large number of participants speaks to the timeliness of this year’s conference topic, namely how it has resonated with researchers at home and abroad. Key note speak was presented by Giovanni Ercolani.

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CCCS’s Third International Conference on Identity and Culture Took Place

This past September (3-5), in Skopje (Macedonia), the Center for Culture and Cultural Studies (CCCS) organized its Third International Scientific Conference, titled “Identity and Culture”. Macedonia’s capital hosted over 250 researchers from virtually each corner of the world. The large number of participants speaks to the timeliness of this year’s conference topic, namely how it has resonated with researchers at home and abroad. Key note speaks were presented by Milena Dragicevic Sesic and Guy Starkey.

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Видео и галерија: „Креативни точки“ во Лешочкиот манастир

Манифестацијата „Креативни точки“ која, како би сакале, треба да прерасне во традиционална, е дел од програмата на Центарот за култура и културолошки студии Културата како стил на живеење. Подолу е видеото од целата манифестација.

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„Креативни точки“

На 25 септември (петок) 2015 година со почеток од 19.00 часот, во Духовно-културниот центар „Кирил Пејчиновиќ-Тетоец“, Лешочки манастир, за првпат се одржa литературно-музичката манифестација „Креативни точки“, во организација на Центарот за култура и културолошки студии (ЦККС) од Скопје и Женскиот хор „Менада“ од Тетово.

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CCCS’s Program “Culture as a Lifestyle” 2013

During 2013, the Center for Culture and Cultural Studies (CCCS) organized cultural events, as part of its “Culture as a Lifestyle” program. Its contents equally focused on the promotion of contemporary art and the advancement of cultural heritage/s. A part of the activities were directed towards organizing debates on topics otherwise marginalized or often left undiscussed and/or unreseached. The program …

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