Past conferences

CCCS’s Fourth International Conference on Migrations, Diaspora, Terorism, Borders Took Place

In September 2016, in Skopje (Macedonia), the Center for Culture and Cultural Studies (CCCS) organized its Fourth International Scientific Conference, titled “Dislocations and Cultural Conflicts: Migrations, Diaspora, Terrorism, Borders (MDTB)”. Macedonia’s capital hosted over 100 researchers from virtually each corner of the world. The large number of participants speaks to the timeliness of this year’s conference topic, namely how it has resonated with researchers at home and abroad. Key note speak was presented by Giovanni Ercolani.

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CCCS’s Third International Conference on Identity and Culture Took Place

This past September (3-5), in Skopje (Macedonia), the Center for Culture and Cultural Studies (CCCS) organized its Third International Scientific Conference, titled “Identity and Culture”. Macedonia’s capital hosted over 250 researchers from virtually each corner of the world. The large number of participants speaks to the timeliness of this year’s conference topic, namely how it has resonated with researchers at home and abroad. Key note speaks were presented by Milena Dragicevic Sesic and Guy Starkey.

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[GALLERY] CCCS’s Third International Conference on Identity and Culture Took Place

Once again. the Conference confirmed the stance that the terms culture and identity, in and of themselves, are wide and complex. They carry with them different, often oppositional, meanings. This in turn has produced circumstances where the concepts “culture”and “identity” are examined through several varied perspectives, and thus set amid new academic and interdisciplinary contexts.

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“Identity and Culture” Book of Abstracts / „Идентичность и культура“ тезиси / „Идентитет и култура“ Книга на апстракти

Download PDF version | Скачать PDF версию | Преземи PDF верзија Adela Ileana Drăucean The Image of Stephen the Great in Romanian Literature Abstract: The specifics of national literatures do not oppose otherliteratures, in fact they point out particular features based on history, traditions, habits of a certain place. Thus a text can be assigned to a particular national literature, …

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CCCS Conference 2015 “Identity and Culture” Programme

Download PDF version here | Скачать PDF | Преземи PDF Wednesday, 2 September 2015 17:30 – 21:00 Registration/ Регистрация / Регистрација Hotel Continental: CCCS Registration Desk Thursday, 3 September 2015 Crystal Hall / Хрустальный зал / Кристална сала 8:00 – 9:30    Registration/ Регистрация / Регистрација Hotel Continental: CCCS Registration Desk 9:30 – 10:30 Opening Ceremony and Plenary Session / Торжественное открытие …

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CCCS Conference 2015 accomodation info

CCCS conference 2015 “Identity and Culture” will be held at “Hotel Continental” (map). The official Opening will take place on September 3rd, at 9:00 am. HOTEL ACCOMODATION Participants of the “Identity and Culture” conference can book rooms at discounted prices for the following hotel: Hotel Continental DISCOUNTED HOTEL PRICES: Bed and breakfast in single, double and triple rooms in …

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Call for Papers and Panel Proposals: “Identity and Culture”

Third Annual International CCCS Conference 2015 “Identity and Culture” September 3-5, 2015, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia Deadline for submitting abstracts: March 15, 2015 Deadline for submitting full papers: December 15, 2015 The Centre for Culture and Cultural Studies organizes the 3rd Annual International Conference of the CCCS 2015: “Identity and Culture”. The concepts of culture and identity have insofar been …

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“Identity and culture” – Accepted abstracts

Akat Abdullah, Karadeniz Technical University, State Concervatory Being Black Sea people and Black Sea music Ančić Mladen, Department of History, University of Zadar The Lost Medieval Ethnies Andonovska Nada, Muzej na Makedonija Intangible Heritage and Identity Ang Qing Sheng, LASALLE College of the Arts Infusing local culture in Singaporean Animation – Developing a framework of cultural specifics from a study …

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Приглашение на конференцию: “Идентичность и культура”

Третья ежегодная международная конференция ЦККИ 2015 г. “Идентичность и культура” 3-5 сентября 2015 г., Скопье, Македония Заявки принимаются до 15 марта 2015 г. Конечный срок подачи текстов докладов: до 15 декабря 2015 г. Центр культуры и культурологических исследований проводит Третью ежегодную международную конференцию ЦККИ 2015 под названием “Идентичность и культура”. Концепты культуры и идентичности исследуются в различных аспектах. Однако в …

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Покана за учество – реферати и панели: „Идентитет и култура“

Трета годишна меѓународна конференција на ЦККС 2015 “Идентитет и култура” 3-5 септември 2015, Скопје Краен рок за пријавување: 15 март 2015 година Краен рок за испраќање на прифатените текстови: 15 декември 2015 Центарот за култура и културолошки студии ја организира Третата годишна меѓународна конференција на ЦККС 2015: “Идентитет и култура”. Концептите за културата и идентитетот до сега се разгледувани од …

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