Monthly Archives: December 2013

Култура/Culture 4/2013

Thematic issue: Art, Media and Cultural Memory This edition of the Култура/Culture journal, as several of the upcoming issues, is dedicated to the topic of CULTURAL MEMORY. The editorial board felt compelled to publish a selection of the papers presented at the First International Conference of the Center for Culture and Cultural Studies, which took place in Skopje (Macedonia), between …

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Култура/Culture 3/2012

Thematic issue: “Europe without borders” The articles in this issue of the journal Култура/Culture are results of the project: Intercultural / multicultural: Europe without borders, that under the leadership of prof. Dr. Loreta Georgievska – Jakovleva and prof. Dr. Mishel Pavlovski was prepared in the Institute of Macedonian Literature at the University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius“ in Skopje, and financially …

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CCCS’s First International Conference on Cultural Memory

From the 5th till the 7th of September this year (2013), Skopje, and the Republic of Macedonia, hosted 297 conference presenters and 22 participants from 49 countries and over one hundred universities, all attending the First International Conference on ‘Cultural Memory’, organized by the Centre for Culture and Cultural Studies (CCCS). As stated by the Centre’s President, Professor Dr. Loreta …

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Call for papers: “Media: Theory and Practice”

Second Annual International CCCS Conference 2014 “Media: Theory and Practice” 4-6 September 2014 Hotel Continental – Skopje, Macedonia Supported by: The Centre for Culture and Cultural Studies (CCCS) invites proposals for papers, thematic panels and original media productions for Second Annual International CCCS Conference 2014 ‘Media: Theory and Practice’ The aim of this conference revolves around a foundational impetus to …

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Покана за учество: „Медиуми – теорија и практика“

Втора годишна меѓународна конференција на ЦККС 2014 „Медиуми – теорија и практика“ Хотел „Континентал“, Скопје, 4-6 септември 2014 Конференцијата е поддржана од: Центарот за култура и културолошки студии бара предлози за реферати, тематски панели и оригинални медиумски продукции за Втората годишна конференција на ЦККС 2014 “Медиуми: теорија и практика”. Целта на конференцијата е да ги осветли сите аспекти на студиите …

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Приглашение на конференцию: «Медиа: теория и практика»

Вторая международная конференция ЦККС «Медиа: теория и практика» Хотель Континентал, Скопье, 4-6 сентября 2014 г. Конференция поддерживается: Центр культуры и культурологических исследований приглашает принять участие с докладами, темами для панельных дискуссий, оригинальной медиа-продукцией во Второй конференции ЦККС 2014 г. «Медиа: теория и практика». Цель конференции – осветить все аспекты медиа-исследований, включая массовую коммуникацию, медиа-технологию, визуальное искусство, исполнительское искусство, телевидение, радио, …

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Култура/Culture – New Issue

The last edition of the Култура/Culture journal, as several of the upcoming issues, is dedicated to the topic of CULTURAL MEMORY. We will publish a selection of the papers presented at the First International Conference of the Center for Culture and Cultural Studies, which took place in Skopje (Macedonia), between September 5th and 7th, 2013. The conference was held with …

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